
No diversion took place, no illegal weapons were found with the 49 detained.

It was ordered from above to disrupt the visit

Հիմա հարց. վերջը դիվերսիա է՞ր նախատեսվում, թե՞ ապօրինի զենք էր կասկածվում։ Ո'չ դիվերսիան տեղի ունեցավ, ո'չ 49֊ի մոտ ապօրինի զենք հայտնաբերվեց։ Եվ ուրեմն պարզ եզրակացություն. վերևից հրահանգված էր խափանել այցը արդեն Ադրբեջանին խոստացված և ներքին պայմանավորվածությամբ հանձնված տարածքներ, քանի կկվին համոզել են, թե երրորդ ձագի հետևից չեն գա։

Combat Brotherhood members and supporting citizens have been detained on suspicion of illegal weapons.

The point is, yesterday, Deputy Police Chief Vardan Vardanyan invited Hrant Ter-Abrahamyan for a conversation and insisted, "I'm telling you, you won't go," because they have information that on Sunday and only on Sunday, Azerbaijan is planning a diversion in Voskepar, so there is a need to protect RA citizens and urge them to stay away from dangerous places.

Today, however, several buses and dozens of police cars were already waiting at the gathering point for those heading to Voskepar, and this was only at the beginning. The same scene was in Voskepar, where more police officers had gathered than ordinary citizens.

In other words, on the day of the alleged diversion planned by Azerbaijan, there was no armed force to protect Armenia's borders, instead, the Armenian police were protecting Azerbaijan's "borders."

Now the question: was a diversion planned, or was illegal weapons suspected? Neither did the diversion take place, nor were illegal weapons found with the 49 detained.

And so the clear conclusion is that it was instructed from above to disrupt the visit to areas already promised to Azerbaijan and handed over by internal agreement.

And they were convinced, because nothing is more precious than the chair, whether in the municipality, the governorate, the vilayet, or the status of the troikas.
